Broadcast floors can be constructed for both decorative and industrial purposes. These systems include industrial or decorative sand or paint chip flakes broadcasted into an epoxy coating system for a textured, more slip resistant surface. Broadcast floor systems can be used in a variety of applications including residential garages, industrial plants, car dealership floors, schools, hospitals, or other areas where a decorative or industrial broadcast floor system is required.

Profile/Appearance: 30-35 mils, decorative textured surface.
Decorative Flake Systems provide a decorative, long-lasting floor that is easy to maintain. The system consists of decorative flake chips randomly or fully broadcast to rejection into an epoxy base coat, then sealed with a clear topcoat. A variety of colors and blends help create a unique, attractive looking floor surface.
System Benefits:
- Helps to hide dirt, small debris
- Aesthitally Pleasing
- Easy to clean/maintain
- Extremely durable
- Variety of colors/blends help create a unique floor

Profile/Appearance: approximately 1/8", decorative textured surface
Quartz Systems are used for decorative purposes in light and medium duty traffic areas. A colored quartz aggregate is broadcasted into a clear high solids epoxy binder to create an attractive, slip resistant floor finish that is suitable for most commercial and industrial applications. Quartz systems can be built as single or double broadcast systems.
System Benefits:
- Slip Resistance
- Easy to clean/maintain
- Excellent Durability
- Specially blended colored sands create a variety of decorative looks

Profile/Appearance: approximately 1/16", industrial textured surface
Shop Floor Systems provide a durable, long lasting floor great for use in industrial areas. This system consists of industrial sand broadcasted into an epoxy base. Numerous textures can be achieved, depending on the aggregate used. Shop floor systems can withstand heavy traffic and are suitable in many chemical exposure areas.
System Benefits:
- Excellent Wear Characteristics
- Slip Resistant Surface
- Extremely Durable
- Easy to clean/maintain
- Suitable in many chemical exposure environments
Interested in finding out more about our Broadcast Systems?